Phi Kappa Phi Awards & Scholarships
The application process for awards and scholarships can be best navigated with the help of Dr. Douglas C. Dow, vice president for scholarships and awards for the UT Dallas Phi Kappa Phi chapter. Email Dr. Dow.
Pioneer Awards
Phi Kappa Phi Pioneer Awards are designed to encourage and reward undergraduate members for developing the research, engagement and leadership skills necessary to become a successful scholar. Fifty $1,000 awards are distributed annually.
Application forms and information are on the Phi Kappa Phi Pioneer Awards page.
Dec. 15: Application portal opens
June 1: National deadline
Aug. 1: Recipients will be notified
Graduate Research Grant
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi annually awards 20 grants of up to $1,500 to active members attending graduate school. These grants provide funding for research in support of career development opportunities.
Application forms and information are on the Phi Kappa Phi Graduate Research Grant page.
Oct. 1: Application portal opens
Nov. 30: Application deadline
Feb. 15: Recipients will be notified
Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi currently awards 50 fellowships of $8,500 each, six at $20,000 each and two at $35,000 each to members entering their first year of graduate or professional study. Each chapter can submit only one nominee annually.
Application forms and information are on the Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships page.
Internal deadline for submission is 3 p.m., April 2.
Study Abroad Grants
Study abroad grants support undergraduate study abroad in major scholarly areas of interest that might otherwise not be possible. Grants are valued at $1,000 per student for the academic year. Seventy-five awards are given annually by the national office. Any UTD student is eligible to apply. There is a limit of three awards for each chapter annually.
Application forms and information are located on the Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants page.
Deadline for submission is March 15.
Love of Learning Awards
Love of Learning Awards support post-baccalaureate studies and career development for active Phi Kappa Phi members across any number of activities. Examples of funded projects include continuing education, doctoral dissertations, graduate or professional studies, professional conference presentation travel funds, teaching supplies that add to professional development, and so on.
PKP Fellowship recipients are ineligible to apply for this award. Any Phi Kappa Phi member may apply. Two hundred awards, at $500 each, are distributed each year.
Application forms and information are located on the Phi Kappa Phi Love of Learning Awards page.
Deadline for submission is June 30.
Literacy Grants
The Literacy Grants program was initiated to mobilize members and resources of Phi Kappa Phi and the higher education community to champion literacy initiatives. Grants of up to $2,500 are available to Phi Kappa Phi chapters and individual members to fund ongoing literacy projects or to create new initiatives.
More information is located on the Phi Kappa Phi Literacy Grants page.
Deadline for submission is April 1.
Phi Kappa Phi Scholar and Artist Award
The Scholar Award honors exceptional contributions of an individual who exemplifies the high standards of Phi Kappa Phi through their scholarly, professional and service activities and accomplishments.
The Artist Award supports a nationally or internationally recognized artist with a history of distinguished past accomplishments in the visual, performing, and applied arts and humanities. Awardees are provided with a $1,000 honorarium, a one-year active membership, a special recognition certificate, and are hosted at the society’s biennial convention. Each award is given once per biennium.
More information is located on the Phi Kappa Phi Scholar and Artist Awards page.
Deadline for submission is Feb. 1.
Cyrus D. Cantrell III Academic Enhancement Grant
The Cyrus D. Cantrell III Academic Enhancement Grant is a grant, worth up to $500, offered by PKP Chapter 316 to help supplement expenses incurred for academic research or participation in online academic conferences and meetings. All graduate, undergraduate and alumni members of PKP Chapter 316 are eligible to apply.
To apply for the grant, submit:
- A curriculum vita with full contact information (two pages or less).
- Current UTD academic transcript (may use an unofficial transcript).
- A 500-word essay explaining the purpose for which the grant funds will be used, and the meaning of the endeavor for the applicant’s broader research agenda.
- A one-page proposal of expenses.
In addition, each applicant should arrange for one letter of recommendation by a UTD faculty member, which should include an explanation of significance of the applicant’s travel plans.
All pieces of the applicant’s package must be emailed directly to Dr. Douglas C. Dow, vice president for scholarships and awards for the UT Dallas Phi Kappa Phi chapter. Letters of support also should be emailed directly from the faculty member to Dr. Dow.
There are no deadlines for submission of applications.
Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Service Award
The Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Service Award grants $1,000 biennially to an active member who has provided sustained, uncompensated volunteer service to others beyond the realm of academia.
More information is located on the Phi Kappa Phi Distinguished Service Award page.
Deadline for submission is Feb. 1.
Dissertation Fellowship
Each year, Phi Kappa Phi awards 10 fellowships of $10,000 each to members who are doctoral candidates and are dissertations. This fellowship is open to all active Phi Kappa Phi members or those who have accepted membership by Nov. 30, attend a U.S. regionally accredited, doctoral-granting institution of higher education, have completed all pre-dissertation requirements and have the endorsement of their dissertation chair.
More information is located on the Phi Kappa Phi Dissertation Fellowship page.
Deadline for submission is Nov. 30.