Honors Community College Connect
The University of Texas at Dallas’ commitment to excellence in teaching and research extends to every aspect of academic life in the University.
The Honors Community College Connect program creates pathways for transfer students to transition from honors in a community college to the Honors College (Collegium V) at UT Dallas.
This program provides a two-year honors experience that encourages intellectually creative, inquisitive and highly motivated transfer students to extend their educational experience beyond the scope of the traditional undergraduate curriculum.
As part of this program, students are required to take honors classes, participate in extracurricular activities, attend events and complete a capstone project to graduate with Collegium V honors.
The Honors Community College Connect program is accepting applications on a rolling basis. This program is ideal for transfer community college students who have completed their honors program at their community college and want to continue their honors experience as they earn their undergraduate degree at UT Dallas.
For the application link, email collegiumv@utdallas.edu.

Honors Philosophy
The Hobson Wildenthal Honors College uses three pillars to support the school’s philosophy in a student’s academic life.
- Our honors classes encourage student participation through high-quality instruction and small class size.
- We facilitate mentoring relationships between faculty and students, providing career counseling and excellent letters of reference.
- The Honors and Collegium V lounge and classroom space celebrate academic inquiry and intellectual discipline through planned and spontaneous collaboration.
Benefits of Joining Honors at UTD
The Hobson Wildenthal Honors College and the Honors Community College Connect program have many benefits, such as small classes, innovative instruction, world-class faculty, bright and inquisitive colleagues, and an array of extracurricular events that offer students with special opportunities for professional and personal growth at UT Dallas.
Transfer students, like all honors students, engage in frequent intellectual discussions with professors, mentors and peers that complement the broad range of academic and student life experiences that characterize a UT Dallas undergraduate education and transfer experience.
Program Requirements
- Must have a 3.5 GPA.
- Must have graduated from an honors program with an associate degree.
- Must be admitted to UT Dallas.
- Transfer scholarships available.
Extracurricular Events
- Honors Nights Out and Thomsen Fund tickets: Free arts and cultural event tickets and dinner with faculty in the Dallas Arts District.
- Honors Mentoring Meals: Sponsored meals to get to know UTD faculty in a casual setting with other honors students.
- Faculty Roundtables: A chance to learn from various UTD faculty about their journey, success, research and other insights and opportunities.
- And much more!
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