Collegium V FAQ
Collegium V blends the resources of a research university with the advantages of a selective liberal arts college. This program offers special opportunities for academic and personal growth.
You will become part of a supportive community of professors and scholars who interact frequently with one another inside and outside the classroom. Classes are small and taught by the university’s most accomplished teachers.
Research opportunities are encouraged and supported. A wide range of extracurricular events will enable you to explore ideas outside the traditional classroom.
What are the requirements for graduating with CV Honors?
Along with the required 24 Collegium V credits, students must be full-time students and be making progress toward a final GPA of 3.5 or better. In their senior year, students must complete an honors capstone project or thesis. They also must participate in a select number of extra-curricular events over the course of their academic career.
How do Collegium V classes differ from other UT Dallas classes?
Collegium V class enrollments are capped at 20-25 students. Faculty are encouraged to explore innovative ways of delivering material to students in the classroom. Faculty members teaching Collegium V classes are among the top teachers and researchers on campus in their field.
What honors classes have been offered by Collegium V?
Collegium V regularly offers a wide range of courses in the core curriculum in chemistry, physics, engineering, government, history, humanities, visual and performing arts, psychology, neuroscience, sociology, rhetoric, and computer science. Specialized upper-level classes have also been offered in electrical engineering, computer science, geoscience, cognitive science, ethics, law, literary studies, and history.
May I participate in disciplinary honors programs?
Yes. CV students are encouraged to participate in disciplinary honors programs. CV students also are encouraged to pursue disciplinary research honors in their majors as part of their CV curriculum.
Does Collegium V just mean more work and study?
No. Collegium V classes are meant to expand the depth and breadth of the classroom experience, not assign more work. The program courses allow greater student participation in discussions and opportunities for in-depth study of a subject. The assignments in a Collegium V classroom are stimulating and intellectually challenging.
Will participation in Collegium V mean taking more classes?
No. Collegium V requirements can be met as you pursue a typical degree plan in your major. During your freshman and sophomore years, you will take 12 credits (four 3-credit courses) of specially designed Collegium V honors classes as part of your regular general education core classes. In your junior and senior years, you will take an additional 12 credits of upper-level Collegium V seminars, internships, travel abroad class work, or honors research. Students entering after their freshman year will have requirements set for them based on previous academic achievement and experience.
Will work in Collegium V hurt my grades?
No. Collegium V students are not graded on a curve in their Collegium V classes; grades are based on the quality of a student’s work.
Why are there no CV classes in my major?
Most organized CV classes are in subjects related to the common core required of all students. There are a few upper-level classes offered of broad intellectual interest with no pre-requisites. Most students do not generally take honors work in their majors until their junior and senior years. Honors work in one’s major can be taken in a variety of ways including contract classes, disciplinary honors classes, graduate courses, research projects, study abroad, disciplinary internships, and senior theses.
What happens to my advanced placement credits in the honors program?
Collegium V students often enter the program with a great number of AP hours. Advanced Placement is credited to a student by UT Dallas, not the Honors College. If you have many AP hours and have taken much of the common core, you should discuss your situation with your advisor.
What else does Collegium V offer?
Collegium V is more than a classroom honors program, offering a wide range of extracurricular activities and academic enrichment opportunities. Members have special access to the Collegium V lounge 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The lounge houses two computer rooms, the Alexander Clark Reading Library, a TV/video room, and a small kitchen area. The lounge is a meeting ground for honors students seeking a place to work, relax, and make new friends. Many extracurricular events take place in the lounge including game nights, karaoke, movie nights, and monthly birthday celebrations. Members also receive tickets to on-campus and off-campus cultural events, including the Dallas Symphony and other local concerts, performances, exhibits and plays.
What if I do not want to complete Collegium V?
As long as you maintain the minimum participation requirements, the decision to remain in the program is entirely your own. All credits earned in Collegium V courses count toward degree and graduation requirements whether or not you stay in the program.
What kind of recognition will I receive for participating in Collegium V?
Collegium V classes are identified on your transcript as honors classes. Upon graduation you will receive a medallion, certificate of completion, special designation on your diploma and recognition in the commencement program.
When do I apply to CV?
The application period for Collegium V is Aug. 1 through March 1. Students do not need to be admitted to UT Dallas in order to apply for CV.
When does CV begin admitting students?
The Collegium V early action deadline is Dec. 1, and the final deadline is March 1. The CV Application test is optional, but if you submit ACT or SAT scores, your application review will be expedited.
May upperclassmen apply to CV?
Collegium V is a four-year program, so students are accepted prior to starting freshman year. We will open applications for current first-year students during the spring semester and admit a select group of students. Some transfer students whose community college has an articulation agreement with UT Dallas and who participated in their college’s honors program may be considered.
May I discuss CV with someone while visiting the campus?
Yes. We encourage students who are interested in CV to meet with a specialist to discuss the program. Appointments should be scheduled by email or phone at collegiumv@utdallas.edu or 972-883-4295. Please keep in mind our deadline is Dec. 1.
I have been accepted to UT Dallas with a merit-based Academic Excellence Scholarship. Does this mean I also have been admitted to Collegium V?
No. Collegium V is independent of the Academic Excellence Scholarship program. Students admitted to UT Dallas are automatically considered for the Academic Excellence Scholarship without an additional application. To join CV, students must submit an application directly to the honors program between Aug. 1 and Dec. 1. Students will be admitted beginning in mid-March. For more information regarding the Collegium V application, please contact us by email or by phone at collegiumv@utdallas.edu or 972-883-4295.
Is there honors housing?
Yes. As an Honors College freshman, you will automatically be placed in Honors Housing unless you indicate that you would prefer to live in an LLC or would like to opt out of Honors Housing. Honors Housing is located in Sirius Hall, which is conveniently located next to academic buildings. Whether you choose to live in an LLC, Honors Housing or elsewhere, you will still be welcome to attend all Honors events that happen in Sirius Hall. Please note, you must follow all housing application deadlines and procedures as detailed on the First-Year Housing website.
What is the next step if I am interested?
See application information. For more information, please call or email us at 972-883-4295 or collegiumv@utdallas.edu.
How did the program get its name?